Types of Non-Surgical & Surgical Weight-Loss Solutions that You Should Know

Surgical Weight-Loss Solutions that You Should Know


Medical procedures are always intricate. A doctor needs to consider all the related factors before starting a concrete surgery and obesity is no exception. Obesity is a complex disease resulting due to excessive fat (adipose tissue) deposition in the body. Today, obesity stems from predominantly two reasons- genetic and lifestyle complications. In either case, a strategic weight-loss plan is required to prevent the situation from escalating toward morbid health issues such as cardiac complications, diabetes, and sleep apnea. When it comes to fighting obesity, it is vital to consult a weight loss doctor that evaluates all these factors and provides the best possible bariatric solution suited for you, but before that, let’s understand the various nonsurgical and surgical bariatric methods to help you navigate the intricacies involved. That said, continue reading as we discuss the various types of non-surgical and surgical methods for weight loss solutions.

1.    Non-Surgical Solutions

Weight-loss solutions are eligibility-based procedures heavily dependent on a patient’s health condition. Diet & exercise are most commonly prescribed as the first line of action against obesity in all age groups, however, when diet & exercise fail to yield the desired weight loss results, the weight loss doctor may prescribe non-surgical solutions, some of which include:

  • Gastric Balloon: In this procedure, a thin swallowable balloon is inserted through the esophagus. The balloon is then filled to occupy the volume inside the stomach to induce a sense of fullness, resulting in a reduced food intake and ultimately, bringing the BMI down to desired levels. The balloon is removed after six months. Depending on the medium with which the balloon is filled, the Gastric Balloon is of two types. These are:
  • Orbera Gastric Balloon: In this gastric balloon method, the balloon is filled with a saline solution.
  • Obalon Gastric Balloon: In this procedure, a gas-filled balloon takes up most of the volume inside the stomach.
  • Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty: Also known as the ‘Accordion Procedure’, this minimally invasive procedure is a newly developed non-surgical bariatric solution in which the stomach is constricted to create a sleeve through an endoscopic suturing device. This too aims to reduce food intake and thereby promote weight loss.

Undergoing non-surgical weight-loss procedures are comparatively non-invasive as compared to surgical solutions, but they are still intricate procedures to deal with. That’s why it is advisable to consult a weight loss specialist that can help you navigate through all these complications.

2.    Surgical Solutions

When it comes to taking hard steps in reducing BMI, surgical procedures prove to be a game changer. And similar to non-surgical bariatric options, surgical bariatric methods also require eligibility criteria to comply with. You must consult with a doctor to find out your eligibility. Some of the popular weight loss surgeries include:

  • Gastric Bypass: Also known as the Roux-en-Y Gastric method, the gastric bypass is a bariatric surgical process in which a small portion of the stomach is removed and is connected directly with the small intestine. This change in anatomy results in a change in chemical signaling for the digestive system, causing reduced appetite.
  • Sleeve Gastrectomy: Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy or simply Sleeve Gastrectomy is a surgical bariatric process in which roughly 80% of the stomach is removed, leaving behind a tube-like structure. The reduction in the size of the stomach results in decreased hunger.
  • Duodenal Switch: Also called ‘Biliopancreatic Diversion’ or simply ‘Switch’, this bariatric procedure is also a two-stage procedure, in which the first step is to perform a sleeve gastrectomy followed by a bypassing of large parts of the intestine and connecting with the duodenum.
  • Single anastomosis duodeno-ileal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy (SADI-S): This surgical bariatric procedure is a two-step procedure in which the surgeon performs a sleeve gastrectomy followed by the reattachment of the stomach by bypassing roughly 2m section of the small intestine, resulting in less absorption of nutrients and bringing the BMI down to desired levels.
  • Stomach Intestinal Pylorus Sparing (SIPS): Also known as the Single-Anastomosis Duodenal Switch, SIPS is a two-step procedure in which the size of the stomach is reduced, followed by the removal of the duodenum and a loop of 300 cm below the terminal ileum is connected to the stomach.
  • Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding: This is a minimally invasive bariatric surgical procedure, in which an adjustable band (inflatable and adjustable silicone ring) is wrapped around the stomach to limit its size to divide it into two parts – the small upper pouch and the larger lower portion. The main objective of this surgical method is to induce a sense of fullness with a reduced appetite that ultimately limits the BMI to desired levels.

When it comes to choosing a suitable surgical bariatric option, an exhaustive discussion is required with an experienced weight loss doctor, who can then, based on the eligibility criteria and your medical history, suggest the right procedure, and explain clearly the required post-surgical lifestyle changes.

Final Word

This was a brief look at the different weight loss options you can explore. Undergoing weight-loss surgery is all about formulating a strategic plan to avoid post-operative complications. When it comes to surgical and non bariatric procedures, it is important to discuss your health situation thoroughly with your weight loss doctor. When considering undergoing non-surgical or surgical weight loss procedures like sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass in Dallas and Fort Worth region, Texas, consult an experienced weight loss doctor that provides a comprehensive weight-loss solutions starting from evaluating the presence of underlying obesity-related health issues to options for aforesaid procedures and post-operative therapy.

Title- Types of Non-Surgical & Surgical Weight-Loss Solutions that You Should Know

Description- In this blog, we have discuss the various types of non-surgical and surgical methods for weight loss solutions. Read On!

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