Bharat Bhise Explores How to Maintain the Right Attitude for a Healthy Lifestyle

Attitude for a Healthy Lifestyle



According to Bharat Bhise, cutting down on carbs, going for an extra lap in the pool, and going for an extra set of crunches help you to switch to a healthier lifestyle. However, you need the right attitude to sustain that change. Let’s check out how to maintain the right attitude for a healthy lifestyle.

The Details

1. Support system

It’s easy to lose the right attitude, especially if you feel like you can skip a workout every other day or like to have a scoop of ice cream every night. That’s why you need to have a support system made up of friends and family to help you stick to your healthy lifestyle. You can also set notifications on your phone and on the smart speakers in your home to remind yourself about the consequences of skipping the gym or consuming those extra thousand calories.

2. Throw away old clothes

If you used to be bulkier and have managed to shave down several inches and shed tens of pounds, you deserve to be praised and acknowledged for your efforts. A lot of people have difficulty achieving the same feat. However, if you want to sustain this healthy lifestyle, you need to make it difficult for yourself to make the unhealthy switch. One of the ways of doing that is to get rid of your old baggy clothes. When you get rid of those extra large-size apparel, you incentivize yourself to stay in shape and develop a more positive attitude.

3. Give yourself pep talks 

While this sounds cheesy and seems like the segment from a poorly written movie, pep talks do help. Every day you get into the bathroom, look at yourself in the mirror and give yourself pep talks out loud. Tell yourself that you’re beautiful and you will achieve your fitness goals that day. While it sounds silly, it does give your positive attitude a boost before the day starts.

4. Look forward to learning opportunities

Find others who have been able to maintain their healthy lifestyles for a long time and appear fit. You’ll find a lot of people at the gym, at the office, or in the neighborhood who match this description. Take the opportunity to ask them how they sustain it.

While some people are naturally gifted with good metabolism and can stay healthy even when they eat giant pizzas and drink sodas all day, a lot of people are making conscious efforts to stay healthy. Some of them are on a strict diet and some have a stringent workout routine. All of them have made sacrifices to stay healthy and fight the temptations. Listening to their stories would help steer your attitude in the right direction and stay focused on your path.


Bharat Bhise suggests that you take inspiration from the above-mentioned tips and develop the right attitude for a healthy lifestyle. Apart from working out, developing the right attitude helps you to stick to your health and fitness goals and sustain them as well.

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