Constipation is one of the most common prevalent gastrointestinal issues that is also affecting children. This is a common source of discomfort, distress and even long-term health conditions if things are not addressed adequately. So, as a parent understanding the symptoms, causes and management of constipation in kids is very important, so it is highly advisable to consult the best pediatrician in Vijayawada or the place you live for the best guidance.
Some of the common constipation symptoms in children are
- Very infrequent movement of the bowel which will be around less than three times per week
- If the stools are very hard, dry and difficult in terms of passing
- If there is a problem of abdominal pain or discomfort
- If you’re facing the problem of bloating and feeling of fullness
- If the kids are showing signs of decreased appetite and loss of appetite
- If kids are prone to the problem of irritation and consistent mood changes
- If there is any scenario of spoiling and leakage of the stools
- If there is any problem or difficulty as well as training during the bowel movement
Some of the common causes of constipation in kids have been explained as follows:
- Dietary factors: This could be due to the inadequate intake of fibre food items including fruits, vegetables and whole grains along with insufficient fluid intake. When kids are prone to the excessive consumption of processed and very high-fat foods then definitely it could be a clear chance of cause of constipation.
- Physiological factors: Whenever the kids are facing the problem of delay of stool passing and the slow transit of stool during the digestive system then definitely it could be a clear symptom for constipation. Whenever kids are prone to the problem of pelvic floor dysfunctioning or weakening of the abdominal muscles in addition to the hormonal imbalance then also they might be prone to the problem of constipation.
- Behavioural factors: Kids usually will be ignoring the urge to pass the stools and due to this they will be holding the stools for a long period which eventually will lead to pain and discomfort. If the kids are prone to the problem of disruption in the routine and changes in the environment, it is another very clear sign of constipation.
- Medical conditions: There might be a certain number of medications including the antidepressants, iron supplement, neurological disorders or any other kind of related things due to which kids might become prone to the problem of constipation. Further if the kids are having problems with structural abnormal melodies into the legislative system it is another very important cause of constipation that you need to address.
Some of the very basic factors that will be increasing the risk of constipation in kids as recommended by the child specialist doctor in Vijayawada have been justified as
- Age factor: Infants and toddlers are much more susceptible to the constipation due to the development of their digestive system
- Diet factor: Whenever the kids are consuming low fibre diet with highly processed diet or high-fat foods then it will perfectly contribute to constipation
- Toilet training factor: The stress associated with the toilet training will be leading to the withholding of the stools which could be making them prone to the problem of constipation.
- Genetical factor: Some of the children will have a genetic predisposition to constipation which will lead to a significant number of issues.
Whenever constipation is left untreated in kids it will lead to a significant number of complications some of which are:
- Accommodation of the heart and dry stool in the rectum area will lead to blockage which further leads to a significant number of complications.
- The buildup of the stools will create the problem of pain, discomfort and fullness in the abdomen.
- Urine retract infection is another very important complication related to constipation because it will pressurise the bladder and will increase the risk of dietary tract infection.
- In some of the severe cases, the rectum will be protruding through the anus due to the training during the movement.
- Emotional and behavioural issues are another complication that will be because kids will be feeling the problem of embarrassment, lower self-esteem and behavioural problems as well.
Some of the critical details you need to know about the diagnosis of constipation in kids are:
- Medical history: The doctor of the child will always be asking about the habits of kids, dietary intake and any other kind of medical underlying conditions.
- Physical examination: The doctor will be conducting the in-depth physical test in this case including the rectal exam examination to check out for any kind of abnormalities or impact of the stools.
- Diagnostic testing: Depending on the intensity of the constipation the paediatrician in some cases will also be recommending the additional testing including the x-ray, colonic transit study or any other kind of related things so that they can rule out the underlying medical conditions very well.
Some basic details you need to know about the treatment of constipation in kids are:
- Dietary changes: Doctors will be very well recommending the increasing of intake of fibre products like fruits, vegetables and whole grains in addition to the encouragement of fluid intake
- Medication: Doctors in such cases will be providing the laxatives to help the softening of these stools and make sure that passing will become very much easy. Further focusing on the suppositories in some of the intense cases is another very important thing that you need to pay attention to.
- Behavioural intervention: Establishing consistent toilet training and encouraging regular movement will be important and for this teaching, the relaxation techniques to the kids will be important throughout the process. Addressing the psychological and emotional factors in this case will be important so that there is no contribution to the constipation.
- Physical therapy: Pelvic floor rehabilitation will be important to improve the tone and coordination of the muscles and further going for the bio feedback therapy will be important to help the children in relaxing and coordinating their movement.
Hence constipation in kids is a very common but treatable condition which is the main reason that remaining in touch with the doctors at the childcare hospital India will be important for you so that things are sorted out with the right approach and you can help your kids to achieve regular movement and promote overall well-being.